
Components are designed to increase the ease of development by combining closely related functions of nodes building and processing.

The Component contains builder and worker.

class MyComponent extends Rete.Component {

        super("My Component"); // name

    builder(node) {
        /// modify node

    worker(node, inputs, outputs) {
        /// process data

The builder and the worker are executed independently of each other (the first one works once when creating the node, the second one at each processing), but in fact they are closely tied together. Therefore, it makes more sense to consider separately the nodes and together the creation, presentation and processing of the node.

Registering component:

var comp = new MyComponent();


Node builders

These methods have to modify a Node instance and are necessary for the editor to restore all nodes from the JSON data, since the JSON data should store only static information and not the logic of the nodes. Each of the builders must be in the corresponding component:

class NumberComponent extends Rete.Component {


        // modify node
        node.addInput(new Rete.Input('key1', 'Number',numSocket));
        node.addOutput(new Rete.Output('key2', 'Number',numSocket));

Node workers

Workers is a functions for processing node's data. They receive the parameters node, inputs, outputs. Node data (not node instance), inputs and outputs correspond to definitions in the builders

class NumberComponent extends Rete.Component {


    async worker(node, inputs, outputs){
        // put the node's data or inputs data to outputs
        outputs[0] =;

As you noticed, you can use asynchronous functions (or promises for previous versions of ES). This is necessary in order to perform complex calculations without blocking the main thread (for example, in WebWorker).