
The architecture of the framework is built on the event-based model, that allowed to achieve weak connectivity between components and modifying the editor with plugins

The editor can trigger the following events:

Event name Parameters Preventable Note
nodecreate node
nodecreated node
noderemove node
noderemoved node
connectioncreate { output, input }
connectioncreated connection
connectionremove connection
connectionremoved connection
nodetranslate { node, x, y }
nodetranslated { node }
selectnode node
nodeselect node
nodeselected node
rendernode { el, node, component,
bindSocket, bindControl }
el is a HTMLElement
rendersocket { el, input, output, socket }
rendercontrol { el, control }
renderconnection { el, connection:, x1, y1, x2, y2 }
componentregister component it is used both in the editor and in the engine
keydown e parameter is a KeyboardEvent
keyup e parameter is a KeyboardEvent
translate { transform, x, y } triggered when moving the scene
zoom { translate, zoom } triggered when zooming the scene
click { e, container } e is a MouseEvent
mousemove { x, y } constantly updates the position of the mouse relative to the working area
contextmenu { e, view, node } depending on the object on which the menu is called, the view or node will be passed
import data
export data
process is intended for external use
(does not have internal triggers)
error { message, data }
warn message

Subscribe to events using the method on()

editor.on('process', () => {
  // for instance, call the editor.process()

Preventable events are performed before the action and give you control to make a decision to prevent them

editor.on('nodecreate', node => {
   // trigger after each of the first six events

   /// check if there is already a node with that name
  var haveSomeNode = editor.nodes.some(item => ===; 
  return !haveSomeNode; // prevent the addition of a new node

Before the action, all listeners of the event are checked, and if at least one returns false, then the action will not be executed. By default return true is not needed.

You can handle multiple events. It may be necessary to perform the processing not with every change in the editor, but only with those, that can influence the processing result (for example, there is no sense in executing the processing if the user has only changed the position of the node)

editor.on('nodecreated connectioncreated noderemoved connectionremoved', () => {
    await engine.abort();
    await engine.process(editor.toJSON());